Friday, August 27, 2010

About Me

Time for a little background on me. I was taken to church when young and continued to attend as an adult. I became involved in Sunday School and eventually began teaching. I believed I was a Christian, after all I had asked Jesus into my heart and have even been baptized 3 different times. First time was as an infant, second time I was sprinkled of my own volition and last time I was coerced into being dunked because the people talking to me didn't believe sprinkling was the 'right' way and didn't count.

In church we had a several people who were what I thought 'enlightened' Christians. They seemed to be super spiritual and knew a lot about the Bible. However, some of the things they taught gave me that uneasy feeling. I was not really into spirituality nor the Bible so I thought they must be right even though I questioned what they taught. Their teachings often left me feeling guilty and not as good as they seemed to be. I had that 'somethings not right here' feeling but could not put my finger on what wasn't right. Since I was not 'spiritual' I assumed my feelings of 'something's not right' must be wrong.

Then at age 34 (I'm now 61) God turned my life inside out. I was not looking for Him nor did I pray and ask Him into my life nor to do anything. I did not consider myself 'smart', was a terrible student in school, and hated to read. I had not read anything I didn't have to read for 13 years. I then had a compulsion to study the Bible and read it everything about it I could get my hands on. This compulsion took me to intense study from 6 to 8 hours a day, every day, for the next 6 years. I spent mega bucks on Bible study tools and commentaries along with dozens of different versions of the Bible. All of this money was worth every penny for I discovered my feeling of 'something's not right' was, indeed, right.

First thing I did after God intervened in my life was read completely through the Bible. I started with the New Testament and I was pissed!! It didn't take long for me to discover I had been lied to. A simple story everyone has heard about and sees every Christmas set me on fire to uncover how many other lies I had been taught.

I found the Wise Men of the Nativity story I had heard and Nativity scenes I had seen all my life were NOT THERE! They were NOT at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, in fact, they did not arrive until Jesus was at least 2 years old (classified as a child and not an infant) living in a house in Nazareth. I also discovered the number of wise men was not specified as being 3. There were three gifts mentioned which the wise men brought but the number of men could have been 2, 20, or 153. The scripture simply does not specify the number of men. I HAD BEEN LIED TO.

One may think this is insignificant and pastors, teachers, and others did not deceptively and intentionally lie to me, but lie they did. This lie I had been told all my life made me wonder, "How many other times have I been lied to?" This lie fueled the fire to discover the truth of the Scriptures.

What I present in this blog is my discovery of truths of about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and doctrines of the Bible.

The most important truth I have discovered is that the Truth will set you free.

Thank you for visiting and may God bless you with TRUTH.

Leanna Steward

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